wine markets are increasingly more demanding, tight and strong competition from other drinks have to leave the structure of elite consumers to reach other markets that have very good potential. Thus frizz out wines with a very good impact on younger consumers. While today it accounts for two percent of the consumer market that have had growth is remarkable, because a little over two years, his presence on the shelves were almost negligible.
However, efforts to reach with more competitive products to the shelves are several. It is in this sense that the INV capitalized on the concerns of some processors to make low alcohol wines. You must be marked as the International Wine wines to consider having 8 degrees up, however, according to the specifications given from the INV in Argentina you can get a very good product from 5 or 6 degrees degrees upward. response to this concern of some business with the comptroller of the wine, Diario El Zonda spoke with the president of the National Wine Institute, Guillermo García. The object was to know what are the details of the resolution to be adopted in the early days of next week and has the designation of
"Early Harvest wines." However, efforts to reach with more competitive products to the shelves are several. It is in this sense that the INV capitalized on the concerns of some processors to make low alcohol wines. You must be marked as the International Wine wines to consider having 8 degrees up, however, according to the specifications given from the INV in Argentina you can get a very good product from 5 or 6 degrees degrees upward. response to this concern of some business with the comptroller of the wine, Diario El Zonda spoke with the president of the National Wine Institute, Guillermo García. The object was to know what are the details of the resolution to be adopted in the early days of next week and has the designation of
What is meant by this designation of early harvest wines?
order is produced by a private technician so in the coming days we will make known a resolution that will work on the concepts of low alcohol wines. These are small volumes that represent small segments that are pulling in the market asking for some products that respond to consumer of wines that do not have much body, as with those wines that have the region of a major maturation. The unrest came to the institute will build on this series of topics that produce special wines or light. What we do is a specific regulation for such products on the basis of a control system must have the school and the existing rules.
But it will have to adjust actions when the audit
Yes, because we're talking about wines that have a lower alcohol content and therefore would suspect the genuineness of the product. So we're going to stand by these products is the genuineness and control over these volumes and meet the need consumer demand that comes with a lower alcohol content.
What is the level we are talking about?
going to depend on the business decision about the product. We are opening major ranges and will depend on each winery. Keep in mind that for example, the concept of stable OIV wine from the 8.5 degrees in Argentina is possible to speak of wine after the 5 and then begin the various product categories, which insist that what we are doing is giving answers to specifically raised and generating a particular control scheme so that it can provide an adequate response. Are
action aimed at satisfying the demand of young people?
women also, I think are the two aspects. I think the consumer sometimes occur from midday hours can be met by such products. These are very good refrescancia.
Is competition a good choice of beer?
Yes, surely those who have raised this issue have found it impossible to compete with lower alcohol content drinks substitute, but I insist that these products have a number of attributes in the care and development. This makes a specific product in its segment, as is the case with late harvest wines with a high degree of maturity and those different flavors, these wines also will respond to the ability of winemakers to answer and convey to all his expertiz wine at the right time to harvest.
we talk about grapes that are harvested early varieties can be named?
grapes We are talking about many ranges that are harvested a little earlier. In reality will depend on the ability of the winemaker to identify the lot to make this product. No mention of certain varieties, we have a rich variety so great that it is difficult to know where each winemaker is going to tip with this type of product. Do not marketing of varieties from Argentina but we have so diverse and so speak of varieties is not just with everything else that is going to develop. There are areas that are characterized by a variety and then began working with the explosion that is the wine.
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