Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Much Is Rv Insurance

believe it not! Already sold powder came

Source: Joy Metro

What is this? Works: the wine is subjected to a spray drying process (spray drying at low temperatures), thereby eliminating water and alcohol, without losing the flavor, color and flavor of the drink in your state original. To get an idea, about 5 gallons of Cabernet Sauvignon liquid, equivalent to 1 kilo of powdered wine.

worth mentioning that it is not real wine, if dissolved in a glass of water will be disappointed. It has no alcohol. But it is a very interesting idea to spice up meals. Initially, the Chilean firm began producing wine in powdered meat and sausages, but soon joined by companies interested in other items such as soups and sauces, and now exported to countries like Korea and Japan. Furthermore, as the product retains polyphenols and vitamins good for health also is used in cosmetics, antiaging facial creams and capsules to lower cholesterol.

in Europe also advanced in this dust to the wine. A team of English and German researchers from the research program E! PROVINO 4008 came up with a formula to change the status of the drink and turn it into a spice to give color and flavor of wine fruit yogurts, chocolates, ice cream and other consumer products.


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