Monday, May 9, 2011

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Seeks to create a single varietal wine priced

Through a bill seeks to increase consumption of varieties and compete with other beverages.

In order to split a wine varietal with a unique brand and national mandatory price throughout the country, the national deputy of the UCR for Mendoza, Ricardo Mansur, who also chairs the Committee on Economy and Regional Development, introduced a draft bill and two resolutions, which may be of vital importance in consumption.

legislation about to enter commission proposes the creation of the brand called "Wine Argentina - National Drink "for a variety or bivarietal, which must be sold with a mandatory uniform price throughout the country.

The consumer can choose the product by the name of the winery produces varietal and origin of the wine.

The same will be dispensed only in commercial establishments on-site consumption (restaurants, hotels, pizzerias) and prohibited their sale in wine shops, supermarkets or the like, as well as export.

deputy based his project on the basis of the decree declaring the 1800/2010 and drink Argentine wine country, seeking to ensure to make a varietal wine without paying excessive prices as those currently charged in restaurants across the country and forcing replace other drinks. The questions

Firstly, one of the questions arising from the proposal Mansur, regarding quality standards of this wine, so that Congressman argues "that the guarantee is given by the qualitative INV that not only will control the physical and chemical characteristics of the packaged product, but also through Oenological Sensory Studies Department, will seek to maintain optimal standards of quality in not less than 80 points. "

MP said: "It's very similar to the 20,860 law which gave rise to so-called 'wine tourists' and that it decreases down to 50% VAT and are asked to producing provinces, to eliminate taxes, and contributions to this wine to offer a lower price, allowing a gain reasonable to retailers, distributors and compete with other beverages, especially beer and soft drinks.

framework ensures that this project is consistent with the strategic plan Argentina Wine 2020 (PEVI) which seeks the promotion of Argentine wine consumption in the domestic market. The price is fixed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing of the Nation refers to the various organizations wine, the same determined to date.

A wine accessible to all
The bill provides that all places of consumption are required to offer at least two-Argentine Wines National Drink, be in prominent places in their wine lists and visible signs, otherwise it establish fines and the obligation to offer a variety at a set price.

For this project, circulated in various national media, the story that it was "a wine for everyone."

On this concept, the deputy said convincingly that "this is not like fish or meat. Defense is a price redialing in restaurants. Is the possibility that the consumer can access a good quality wine and affordable. "

Up The Skirt No Undies

Eight wineries join The Cintis geographical identification process is the first made in Bolivia.

Source: Production Chain Grapes, Wine and Singanis

Eight wine producers and singanis Camargo and Villa Abecia, signed an act of compromise with the Program Building Complex Grapes, Wine and FAUTAPO Foundation Singanis (PFCUVS) to participate in a process of building the Geographical Identification (GI) project that helps to differentiate their products by giving them additional value.

To tell the component responsible PFCUVS Markets, Luis Antelo, the current trend in food market shows that consumers demand higher quality products, require information on their origin, mode of production and qualities of them. "In this sense, we assume that as a Foundation FAUTAPO a new challenge, support and work closely with wine producers and Villa Abecia Camargo, the first Geographical Identification to be held in Bolivia, and is headed to the wine and The Canyon singanis Cintis, "said Carmack.

geographical identification is used to differentiate a product that has a geographic origin which will be specific quality or reputation, "the IG is like a seal of quality protection for wines and Canyon singanis The Cintis and the region itself," said Carmack, in time to highlight the participation of these wineries that are now part of the process of collective construction.

IG can translate into a seal of quality for producers and the region benefit Cintis to create additional value to their products, increase production, create new jobs, regain their cultural practices, efforts to maintain quality are rewarded, they can get better prices in markets that value these attributes, is also a positive impact on the region for tourism and, ultimately, the consumer is protected from adulterated and counterfeit products.

Work began socializing and enriching the project in the region with the participation of producers, this is achieved the commitment of 8 wells which provide, in a first phase that lasts about 8 months in the survey data, both historical and technical level of soils, climate, processes, among others.

Finally, Carmack stressed that this project is to make the region and its products are revalued in the conscious consumer Bolivian potential rescue and the high quality they can achieve and singanis wines and the wine sector, will become the driving shaft of development throughout the region.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Armrest Covers For Sofas

Harvest 2011: excellent quality for the red

Source: Laura Saieg - Wine

Within ten days the harvest ends in Argentina. According to the winemakers, this will be a great year for all varieties in general.

The National Wine Institute announced the dates for the completion of harvesting of grapes destined for grinding in warehouses and factories must. On 15 vintage officially ends in May 2011, one of the longest in history.

10 points for the quality

The 2011 harvest was one of the longest and most complicated for many wineries, after rains and lack of maturity. The good news is that according to a group of winemakers consulted, could be remembered as one of the best for quality wines. Among the reds, Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon are preferred, but other varieties like Syrah and Pinot are surprising. Some features that winemakers were stressed: good color, strong acidity and good potential. Whereas in whites, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Torrontes highlights by color and aroma.

Manuel Gonzalez, Chief Winemaker of Pulenta Estate Winery said that "despite the excellent quality, the harvest has been complicated by January 1 as very wet February. This made the harvest was expected for concern. The situation high humidity and temperature were positive relative to varieties like Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot and Pinot Noir varietal typicality developed very strong, even more than other years dry and warm. "

continued that "concern for the situation of thinking increased moisture in red varieties. However, in March changed to such an extent that no rains throughout the month and not in April. This meant that polyphenols properly matured to the point optimum harvest.

"natural thinning ice that caused the November 2010 noted in the color intensity and concentration in the mouths of red must, highlighting the Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc. Based on these phenomena that have been given, this will be a year of great concentration, high color strength, authenticity and elegance varietal tannins. In my opinion, an excellent year, "noted the Chief Winemaker of Pulenta Estate Winery.

Alejandro Vigil, winemaker at Catena Zapata said:" This is an exceptional harvest, the Valle de Uco Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon Agrelo, Lunlunta and Chardonnay are generally excellent. In addition, we have been surprised by the quality obtained from the Bonarda. "He also said that" the balance of sugar-acid-polyphenols are excellent, and the high concentration of color. "

Meanwhile, Matias Michelini, consultant winemaker the winery, said: "This year has been a polyphenolic maturity complete with great concentration, after the rains in February and continued dry and cool until the end of the harvest."

from Trapiche, winemaker Daniel Pi, remarked that despite the late start, has developed a slow ripening and exquisite aromas and polyphenols.

For Eduardo Vidal, winemaker at Black Cloud, "the harvest is similar to the best of Argentina, with good flavors and colors, leaving the big show typical characteristics of each strain."

turn, Marcos Fernandez, winemaker at Villa Decero, said that in the case of the winery that makes only red wines, this has been the best year for the Malbec, with good concentration, color, aroma and balance between acidity and alcohol, the product of the cooler months.

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invest for smart irrigation

Source: Diario de Cuyo

Drip irrigation in San Juan is not new, but the placement of sensors that pick up moisture and indicate whether to irrigate or not the farm, and also send a notice to the producer cell, it is.
This technological development, which was invented at the Institute of Automation, National University, is now about to be implemented with an investment of $ 50,000 for a pilot test of "Control Irrigation", designed to make efficient use of water, vital in years as the current water crisis.

The Government, through the Ministry of Production, and the project COCAP make the payment for the experience it will take 8 months. "The students advanced computer career in business will work ICT for development of software that will send information to the producer, "said Josefina Vaca, Program Coordinator COCAP Usina Tics.

The pilot test was done at a tomato farm Pocito owned by Tito Vives, and the results will valuable information about when and how much to water based on weather conditions and culture, and what investment should be done to implement strictly the amount of water needed for cultivation, among others.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Congrats Messages For Pregnent Lady

Chile: Amendment to Decree 464 The new map

Source: Mercury coast, between the Andes mountain range and aims to show how the different terroirs best in the country. The next step is to include thirty new communes. Were two years of work. Hundreds of people had to agree. But at last came out white smoke. In a couple of months you can go to the supermarket and found several Andean Maipo cabernet sauvignon and a sauvignon blanc Colchagua Costa. There may also be a pinot noir another Biobío Among Cordilleras.Así. With full. With full address.

A real earthquake geography Chilean winery.
Traditionally, information that could carry a bottle was simple: the valley from which the grapes were produced. The division was from north to south. However, that order of things was rocked in mid-April. After give and take between private and government, Piñera President signed the amendment of Decree 464, which regulates the geographic information that may lead domestic bottles. The objective is to recognize that there is great variation in climate from east to west in Chile. For example, although Santiago and Talca are separated by 250 kilometers, are cities in hot and sunny day, on the other hand, San Antonio, less than half the distance of the capital, has a cool and cloudy weather.
wines emerging from these areas have literally a world of difference. For example, a syrah from the vicinity of Santiago is powerful and alcoholic, while San Antonio has a fresh character and smarter.
But do not try to add more information for its own sake. What lies behind the legal change is the attempt to show in Chile in international markets as a producer with a wide variety of terroirs. It also comes to recognize the strong growth in plantings in coastal areas during the last five years.

"Clearly, as a country we need to move beyond the category of being good and cheap. For that we need to show that Chile is not a homogeneous country, but have very disparate areas. Each terroir has the potential to produce unique wines. With a cross look, from sea to mountains, it is easier to educate journalists and consumers about our diversity, "said Mario Pablo Silva, manager of Wines of Chile to manage the recent amendment and partner of Viña Casa Silva.
An inheritance from
Although governments remain in history that the opening of the shaft coast walk will take effect with Sebastian Pinera in the currency and René Araneda as President of Wines of Chile, the truth is that much of the project should their predecessors. Michelle Bachelet
personally gave the go-ahead project, still in a very embryonic stage, which was introduced René Merino, regular customer of the presidential tour.

What followed was a work of Chinese. First
consensus was reached among the vineyards, grape growers and winemakers the list of districts that fall into three categories.
To make transparent the election, official weather maps used and the limits are set according to the isotherms, the temperature lines.
Then came the task of converting the draft into a full-fledged legal project. That's key support from Agriculture and Livestock Service, SAG, which oversees the names of origin. So far, so quickly moved, even thought that Bachelet signed the legal change in the last days of his term.
However, the second step took longer than expected. For the division coast between Andean mountains and have commercial effect had to be accepted by the United States and the European Union, the lead plaintiffs of Chilean wine.
As the days of diplomacy are not the same as in business, it was not just.
In any case, the Department of Economic Affairs of the Foreign Ministry, Direcon, lobbied to speed responses. And finally, with the approval of both markets, it made landfall right towards the signature of the President Piñera. Conflict

branded However, among vintners is estimated that this is only the first legal geographical earthquake.
"Initially we had very ambitious goals. Yes, we realize that we bogged down in details. The main thing was to install an east-west division, "says Mario Pablo Silva.
The next step is to add a thirty communes that were not included in the beginning, not to be considered as communes Decree 464 vintners in the original, or conflict with trademarks.
An example of the second problem that affects vineyards in the commune of La Serena, that postulated to be placed in the coastal area, but were left out because there is a pisco with the same name.
According to Wines of Chile, talks with the owners of the affected and the National Institute of Industrial Property, which is responsible for ensuring their respect, are on track.
Of course, the battle was delayed by defining smaller areas to the communes, as Apalta, Los Lingues, Lo Abarca or Quebrada Seca-known for their high quality. Best

take one step at a time, the winemakers argue. President René Araneda
wines chile "Now we can better express the geographic diversity of Chile. The wines of our country will have more features to exhibit. The next stage is that guild and vineyards, we train foreign journalists and informed consumers. "

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Andrés Trapiello
"Arms and Letters, the hard truth"
Presntación by Francisco Bautista
Monday 9 May at 20.00 h.

Agustín Fernández Mallo
"The Maker (Borges) Remake"
Presented by Luis García Jambrina
Tuesday 10 May at 20.00 h.

Angela Vallvey
"The man in black heart"
Presentation: Isabel Sanchez
Wednesday May 11 at 20.00 h.

Manuel Vicent
"Aguirre the magnificent"
Presentation: Emilio de Miguel
Thursday 12 May at 20.00 h.

Santiago Rocangliolo
"How to turn your life into a novel
by Francisco Noguerol
Friday 13 May at 20.00 h.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ebay Barbie Cara Ballerina

wine will be more alcoholic wine by global warming

Source: Area wine
The wine industry is worried about the effects that this phenomenon can result in grapes. Scientists seek to temper them.

According to a note published in El Pais, the consequences of global warming on the wine industry aroused increasing interest, among other things, because producers are beginning to suffer its effects.
The Third World Congress Wine and Climate Change held last week in Marbella, the Master of Wine Country Pancho raised his glass to claim the Grenache, a "chameleon grape" as key variety in the adaptation of the wineries in Mediterranean countries to weather conditions tougher. The same conclusion was reached some months earlier, a group of experts at a seminar held in Barbastro (capital of wine country Somontano Aragon) with the same subject. They were launched several alerts. On the one hand, that the wines are more alcoholic (alcohol strength has increased, in some cases, of 10-11 º to 14 to 14.5 º), with more PH and lower natural acidity. On the other hand, some will lose their red color, other flavors and lost many qualities typical white varieties. It was also noted that perhaps, increase the proportion of reds against whites.
regard, Ignacio Fernandez, then Head of the Economics and Law at the International Wine Organisation (OIV), indicated that the native varieties, along with changes in field practices, innovation (to remove alcohol to wine through fermentation, for example) and research into new products, are the most important time to adapt. Meanwhile, to mitigate the effects, called for environmental management, reduced water consumption and CO2 emissions, a measure of carbon footprint and maintenance of the living trees with vines, like Aleppo or olive trees, not to convert those monoculture plantations.

Fernandez spoke of blossoms and grape harvests increasingly advanced and extreme weather events: peaks of high and low temperatures, longer dry periods broken by torrential rains. He referred to "temperature stress" of plants, as well as acceleration and maturity mismatches, lower productivity and risks of pests and diseases which now did not exist.

"Spain is one of the areas most affected by climate change," he said after noting how the increased degree of average global temperature shifts the limits of wine production 100 miles north. "The fact that there are now 1,000 acres of wine in the United States was unthinkable 150 years ago. Meanwhile, the southern boundary will be conditioned by the availability of water," he concluded.

According to the group of experts meeting in Barbastro, some effects of climate change are: Soups
more alcoholics, with higher pH and lower acidity natural.
Loss of color and flavor of some reds. Loss
typical qualities in some white.
possibility of an increased proportion of red versus white.

Source: El País

Blueprints On A Wooden Gladiator

A very special winemaker who debuted with "The Enemy"

Source: Damian
Alejandro Vigil is an unconventional winemaker. Is at the forefront of the wine cellar and now ultra top solo releases.

is a Monday and the cellar is full, no wonder, the harvest is nearing completion. In the laboratory Wine making and testing the samples tested and in roar rock notebook and puts in the morning wave.
For there is no post that many may have in mind what happens behind closed doors in a warehouse the size of Catena Zapata, but Alejandro Vigil or @ Alemalbec
(as is his nickname on Twitter) is thus understood laburo well and carries the same passion to the vineyard and the bottle.

A tourist walks by and do not understand much of what explains Vigil. He is talking of "making ends wines, Argentine wines that pass the barrier of $ 50, quality of the vineyard, the group of people who works on the farm ... While this account, tweets, answers the phone and gives instructions to one of the operators. While think the presentation of a wine that is his and his partner Adrian Catena, in the hold Aleanna. "All the winemakers want their own wine 'and' but I waited, I took my time," he says in this informal chat, recording or scoring the sentences in order to retain flying nonstop.

of "the enemy", his firstborn, that is that is angry with anyone, malbec top that goes with dedication to a despicable character, but has to do with facing an internal enemy, the enemy within one, to go beyond. Or so is what I understood ...

Then we talked about the photo unorthodox to present the wine, which we see in this paper. He says he has to make another style of "vendetta" of the Italian Mafia, biting his finger. At this point no one will doubt that we are facing an unusual character in the world of reds.

That's Alejandro Vigil, although their scrolls show someone much more serious and focused, a model student, a high average university. He graduated as an agronomist at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, National University of Cuyo, where he completed a Masters in Enology and Irrigation and a Master Course in Microclimate Definition and incidence in wine. He began his career in the INTA and the Catena family there.

Well, all this to tell that Vigil is presenting its first solo wine, that is outside of what is the pyramid of Catena Zapata, where for years he took over the wine, this winery recognized throughout the world.

"the enemy" and got 90 points from the magazine "The Wine Advocate", which is already a very good start. It is a 93% Malbec, with a touch of petit verdot. Spends 12 months in oak and aromas that describe it are many, among which is dominated by spices, cherries and other red fruits mature. U.S. critic should take to from 2012 until 2020. Its price is around 180 pesos.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Inquiry Letter Sample

who has read

Beautiful Manifesto for reading, the writer of Extremadura, Álvaro Valverde

Happy are those who have read. That in childhood, through stories, he discovered the world. That in adolescence, in the middle of nowhere, he learned to find in the dark even this refuge in the shelter of time. Who young, eternal beauty, sensed in reading live for the moment was the best remedy against that which flees. One who, mature, lost as ever, clung to some pages to postpone death. Who, in short, old already, read to win the battle against oblivion.

Happy are those who have read because the road is short and only reading can live lives that prevents existence. These lives of others who magically become their own. Happy
who has read and found solace in books to their problems or love is missing or the sweet joy that overcomes the sadness. Who has cried alone to read a verse or a hidden passage in a novel.
Happy letraherido, the melancholic, who, alone, in a book called the friend who misses when going down the street. Happy
who has read and has his eyes pinned to a poem and his memory is clinging to a story. Who thinks like think that test. He who feels a Greek in exile, or perhaps a pending Japanese haiku or an Arab who evokes the sounds of water, or an American who sings himself. Happy
who has read and has been building its own library, and each book is a record close, an indelible moment of what is fugitive. And a form of criticism, because not everything goes. Happy
who has read in sunny rooms and public libraries have felt the shadow of a thousand characters that populate the volumes stacked around. Happy
who, like Borges, no boasts of what he has written, however, is proud of what you read. Who, as Jaime Gil de Viedma, the mention of the word poetry will not raise the image of a man writing a poem, but of a man reading a poem. Happy
who has traveled without having walked a foreign country. Or that since the fourth goes further than even the fastest traveler. Which is cosmopolitan and lives in the province's books without a country, because the reader is someone who knows no frontiers. Happy
who has read and distressing for all those who have not found that pleasure perfect.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hot Pink Shower Curtain

"This year's harvest in Uruguay all raw materials of excellent quality"

Source: Bodegas del Uruguay

will reach a historic vintage? In the vineyard, the harvest begins with pruning (July-August), therein lies the plant to mobilize its reserves, budding, the subsequent leaf development, flowering, ripening, maturing, ripening. After pruning, there was a normal sprouting, there was no frost, but there were cold nights, there was a good temperature range. In time of maturity that is great for the plant, because the whole plant development and all that is happening inside you need heat during the day and cold at night. Occurs naturally in some places, such as in Salto, but this year was also in the south. This year's harvest Uruguay all raw materials of excellent quality.
What happened after sprouting?

somehow be started with a significant water stress, that in some vineyards negatively impacted. At some points it rained, but it just rained. There is a critical moment that goes from the time of fruit set (from flower to fruit) until veraison (when the acid begins to turn into sugar), which is providing cellular development, ie, 75% of the kernel is water . If at this stage lacks water, the grain is smaller. So he had the chance, watered, I think many vineyards had to invest irrigation. And there was a general level of grain size smaller, which means less kilos per hectare. This already creates a natural concentration: in a large grain, there is more water, and all the anthocyanins, the pigments and scents are diluted, but in a smaller grain, the amount of flavor and color will be the same , but you get concentration. Viewed from there, as the raw material is spectacular.
What other events were added to the initial water stress? He

something that surprised me was the pH of the grape to me had a pH ideal ... 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 ... between 3.4 and 3.6, when ever we obtained a pH between 3.8 and 3.9. The degree of acidity, measured pH, handles all the variables: the aroma, color, stability. The ideal pH is between 3.4 wine. and 3.5, is the range where it was almost everybody.
turn, due to the large temperature range, there was a large sugar content, unusual. Let's consider: a medium grit, an ideal pH, an important sugar content, and not an excessive amount per hectare, due in part to the point guy, there was a small decline. Also there were fewer pesticide treatments because conditions were not conducive to a proliferation of diseases.
Finally, throughout this maturation ranging from veraison to harvest almost no rain! There was no humidity! I was surprised. I am looking at three or four forecasts per day, and I was surprised the percentage of moisture. One could harvest at will. This is what occurred in 2004, but not analytical conditions were ideal this year. Seeing that you had ideal weather for harvesting when they wanted, ideal laboratory parameters, a decline in kg / ha without meaning, if the producer had worked a little vineyard in cluster thinning and leaf removal, now got a raw material out of series .

varieties Between what was favored?

were the white variety: sauvignon blanc, chardonnay, Viognier, Gewürztraminer, the muscat, all these varieties are very susceptible to disease so as to achieve a high sugar content. Among these, the most favored was undoubtedly the sauvignon blanc and muscat. And the red varieties, Cabernet sauvignon no doubt, because it is the one with the longest cycle, which mature last, then, as it always rain before it matures, it never ends the process of maturation. The Tannat and Merlot or need to talk. In contrast, the cabernet sauvignon was left on the ground until he reached the ideal analytical parameter. In extremes, the sauvignon blanc and cabernet sauvignon were the most favored.
reap Already finished?

The harvest ended on Friday 8 April. There may still some botrytis, because that is also a good year. That leaves a cluster on the ground in an extraordinary way, now with a little moisture is in ideal conditions.
What about the concentration of sugar when it becomes alcohol?

We'll have wine with an alcohol content high enough. For white wines and young reds will be complicated. But keep wines that are barrel about a year and a half, and then spend two years in bottle, the alcohol benefits them. However, it is a general problem when wines are obtained with a high alcohol percentage. What
us about the competition you can advance to the World Tannat?

Tannat The fourth edition of the World will be held in Montevideo in November. The competition is under the rules of the International Organization of Vine and Wine, OIV, is audited and endorsed by it, and will submit its Director General, Mr. Federico Castellucci, and a representative of the International Union of Winemaking, UIŒ, which can be su Presidente, Serge Dubois, o algún delegado directo de él, lo que le da gran importancia. El jurado estará integrado por directivos de las Asociaciones de Enólogos de Brasil, Chile y Argentina, y también por reconocidos enólogos uruguayos. Para su realización es importante el apoyo que recibimos de las bodegas uruguayas, que se suman a éste.
¿Además de Uruguay, Argentina y Brasil, hay probabilidad de que se inscriban vinos de más países?

El año pasado nos sorprendieron algunos Tannat que vinieron de Perú por su calidad, Chile aún no ha enviado muestras a los concursos anteriores, Argentina sí, Brasil también. Y la expectativa de este año is to submit copies of French Tannat of Madiran, pushed by the presence of directors of the UIŒ, we hope to come at least two or three samples. Because somehow, the birth of Tannat is France, Madiran.
Competition will take place in two days. Last year we received about 200 samples, this year we hope to exceed that figure. Globally, the World contest Tannat is registered and has the stamp of Uruguay, is the heritage of the Winemakers' Association of Uruguay. Tannat say is talk about our flagship variety, and this in the wine world is to establish a heritage. And in that environment, it is right to bring medals Brazilian wines, or Argentine wines, is precisely the fact that the variety is rewarded. This win recognition, and this helps to sell. As a single varietal Tannat contest the World, which is international, which is endorsed by the OIV and the UIŒ, it is very important.

As you say, the creation of Tannat the World contest, as well as its organization, is credited with the Winemakers' Association of Uruguay. What other activity also displays the Association? We

, winemakers, we spent all our spare time after 6 pm. We work in the warehouse, but after working for the Association in an honorary capacity. Our profession is very sentimental. In the cellar we always receive trainees from the School of Oenology, and all Gurises we say the same thing: if you really feel the profession continue, if not, devote themselves to something else. Because it takes passion to dedicate himself to winemaking, we have to give passion to the grape and wine, you do not mind staying twenty hours in the hold, or work on Saturdays and Sundays. If one is doing what he likes, he feels it is working. And there are many people like that.
For example, when the harvest began, and began to check their analytical quality, we said that this year we had to do tastings of all varieties. The Association began two years ago to thematic tastings monthly. Every month we chose a variety met with as much potential exponents of all holds, we gathered in a place where the samples were coded, were made formal tastings tab, tasting glasses, time, score. When concluded, the time devoted to comments. Because the idea was just trained tasters. When one participates as a taster in competitions, and one knows only the variety and year, and must try to convey in one or two minutes, he felt, and transform it into a number ... We must have the ability to transform into numbers everything you saw and tasted!. The task is to teach the winemakers taste. That was the idea of \u200b\u200bthemed tastings.
Then it turned to the "assessment of crops", for example, were held last year tasting chardonnay and sauvignon blanc in April and May, for testing by exponents from around the country, how was the harvest. Also we did with Merlot, Tannat and Cabernet. This year especially, the idea is to make these tastings with a more focus to be evaluated. Because this year I think everyone will have good examples. I think if you meet ten, thirteen, or fifteen Sauvignon Blanc this year, everyone will be impeccable, because the harvest were given to clean. The aim would be formed in the head a conceptual evaluation "This year there are good Chardonnay ... Merlot is good ...", and purpose of all this is after trying to produce a harvest report:" The 2011 harvest was positive for sauvignon, cabernet and chardonnay. They tend to certain scents, or a certain color, or a certain level ...".

years ago that we are working with this and we can not give way. We want to achieve perform an annual evaluation. Although it is difficult to transmit these results to the paper. How do you say that some variety in a given year did not work, and publish it? This objective is our challenge, and like others we are serving, we hope to achieve.

Jetta 2011 Front License

Happy reading ...

is about the book fair and this year, we will meet the writers who come to the show, so, in
Reading Club on Saturday ; the Biblioteca Torrente Ballester
're reading ...

Catch the last wild man
deficiency states
All dolls are carnivorous
City Devil
poets Miller
black heart man
of Angela Vallvey

Matisse's girlfriend
No one dies on the eve
Travel tales and other crossings
Aguirre the magnificent
successive bodies
Garden Villa Valeria
green eyes and body waves of
Manuel Vicent

Nutella Nutella
Lab Experience
The Maker (Borges)
of Agustín Fernández Mallo

Shame Abril rojo
So close to life
of Santiago Rocangliolo

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Does Brown Mucus Mean Am About To Start My Period

Justice ruled in favor of Rioja producers against a claim

Source: MDZ
The Federal Court rejected a request from the Council of the Denomination of Origin Rioja Spain against the producers of La Rioja in Argentina. The claim was because of an appellation of origin that the mark presitigia "Rioja" of Spain for their products and who feels aggrieved by the use of "La Rioja" on product labels Argentines.

The National Court of First Instance in the Federal Administrative No. 4 rejected the application filed by the Regulatory Board of Denomination of Origin Rioja of Spain against the State for the purpose of challenging the use of Geographical Indication "La Rioja Argentina" by wine producers in the province. As was discussed in the arguments presented by the INV, the judge deemed to have been taken all necessary steps laid down in Article 23 of the Agreement on Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) which states that if homonymous geographical indications for wines, protection shall be accorded to each indication and each shall determine the conditions practices in which the homonymous indications in question, bearing in mind the need to ensure that the producers concerned are treated equitably and that consumers are not misled.

This ruling is important because it endorses the philosophical position that historically supports Argentina in international forums. This position has been stated clearly in the bi-regional negotiation Mercosur - European Union was interrupted in 2004 and raised again now in this new round of negotiations.

The TRIPS Argentina respects it is quite clear on what should be protected in geographical indications and, moreover, it is clear to contemplate the possibility of homonyms and to seek mechanisms to not infringe anyone's rights. This ruling is in line with the philosophy of Argentina to respect international agreements and a strong defense of their wine regions.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Gratulalunk Az Uj Babahoz

JOURNAL CLUB: The wedding of the poet

Approved scraping for this work of Antonio Skarmeta is thus have described most of the participants in the reading club on Saturday.
Despite this low rating, the meeting resulted in a juicy and controversial comments about the book, which leads me to think it was not as "poor" as their final assessment.
This saved a lot of things history, but the conclusion of each of them is missing auctioned.
has also been questioned how to write the author, in this novel, "complicated and sometimes confusing-producing certain rejection, especially at first reading the book.
It has been labeled a lightweight, minor works, of loving serial ...
was highlighted, however, irony, humor, small touches of magical realism, some scenes, the bell impossible dimensions-the charm of some characters-Torrente, the inventor, and the tribute of author of European immigrants in America and their difficult adaptation other cultures, well settled and with some really good passages.

A rich bohemian Austrian banker, Jerome Frank, dropped everything and settles in a small island in the Adriatic, where the department store reopens "The European." Soon arranges her marriage to the beautiful young Alia Emar. The wedding is expected spectacular. However, the couple do not share the joy of all people. In the spirit of Jerome weighs the tragic legend of the former store owner and his young wife. Alia For the love of Stephen Coppet, a descendant of a hero mythical island which causes discomfort and embarrassment. The magnificent wedding burst into a political event that overwhelms all the characters and transport of joy to tragedy.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Heather Harmon Whatever Happened To

meeting with Elijah Moore.

Where Can I Buy P90x Recovery Formula In Canada

Poet Reading ...

In Vidal are reading:

Things you should know
AM Homes

Monday, April 4, 2011

What To Say In A Makeup Artist Cover Letter

Reading ... Meetings with authors

In the club on Saturday of the Library Torrente Ballester,
are reading:

poet Antonio Skarmeta

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Saturday March 26
Elias Moro
Biblioteca Torrente Ballester
12 h.

Elias Moro (Madrid, 1959) is the author of books of poems Smuggling "(ERE, Mérida, 1987)," Almost Human (bestiary) "(Germania, 2001)," flying blind "(The Solitary Bird, 2002)," Table from 3 "(From the moon books, 2004) and the anthology" in skin and bones " (ERE, 2009). In the field of prose has published a book of short stories "Sudden Deaths " (ERE, 2000) and short textbook " I remember " (From the Moon Books, 1999), in collaboration with Daniel Casado. "I agree", and solo and corrected increased, "(Calambur, 2009), and" Game of tobacco "(Calambur, 2010). Also, his poems have appeared in the folders " Bestiary," the painter Luis Ledo, "and" Hugs , "with illustrations by Petra Portillo-(School of Art in Merida, 2006).

Friday, March 18, 2011

What Rollers Does Gretchen From Oc Housewives Use

Travel (5) cars on the Raia de Portugal. Chapter IV


say: "I will go to another land, another sea and into a better city certainly shall find.

For every effort of mine is here condemned, and my heart dies
same as my thoughts on this desolate languor.
Where I turn my eyes I see only the black ruins of my life
and spent many years here or destroyed. "

not find another land or another sea.

The city will be in you forever.'ll return to the same streets. And in the same suburbs reach your old age, aged, in the same house.
As the city is always the same.

Another look no-no-no roads there is no ship for you.

Life here has missed the whole land destroyed.

Constantine Cavafy


Badajoz should be in the sun or moon, and we do not saw it in the best conditions. Dawn sad and gray, and after breakfast, began to rain, a tenacious and persistent rain that accompanied us on a walk through the deserted streets, which had not yet recovered from the hangover from the night of carnival.

Due to its location on the border, Badajoz has always been, in times of strife a frontier town of vital strategic importance, while in times of peace, the same proximity to neighboring country setting did not make it less important, by offering unlimited horizons of possibilities for expansion and projection in all fields, given its ideal location.

This feature of town bordering Portugal, is present in the landscape and streets in its cuisine, its monuments and character of its people.

The trip starts by proximity to the hotel, in the Confectionery La Cubana. The oldest of Badajoz (founded 1890) and famous for its "Bread rolls." Badajoz few who do not know this delightful shaped pastry, dusted with icing sugar, whose recipe has been passed from father to son and kept in absolute secrecy.

La Plaza de la Soledad is an excellent location to meet three of the most emblematic places of the city : The Giraldilla a regionalist building built in the 30's and almost exact replica of the Giralda in Seville.

The Church of Solitude (patron of the city), a Gothic gem despite its outward appearance beautiful little gray, a small shrine at the source and the late fourteenth century became the Church, consisting of a single nave gothic beauty.

and old toy " The three bells " now missed by all who were fortunate to know and appreciate.

The walk leads us through the old streets to the Plaza of Spain, in found the city of Badajoz and the Cathedral of San Juan Bautista (pattern of Badajoz), Spain's only fortified Cathedral, due to the border of city. Badajoz Cathedral resembles a fortress, has strong walls, battlements and a simple and powerful tower where the bell.

La Calle San Juan, the heart of the city at all times, keep old stories in colorful houses and their shops as usual. Walk under the awnings of colors, for the very warm summer Badajoz, is also stroll through the history of the city, soaking up odors, voices and feelings that move us to another time and they are slowly giving the tone of what was, is and will be this city.

Once near the Plaza Alta, we find the Church of the Conception. The dome of the Church of the Conception is visible from anywhere in the city together with the Cathedral, Santa Maria and Espantaperros give personality and pedigree to Badajoz.

Temple formaba parte del Convento de Franciscanos Descalzos de San Gabriel, mas conocidos como los Gabrieles, los Franciscanos se trasladaron al Badajoz intramuros a mediados del S. XVIII. La construcción de lo que sería la nueva morada, empezó tras derribarse las casas de las antiguas Carnicerías Reales, según una lámina de plomo colocada en la primera piedra, el 15 de Mayo de 1770

La  Plaza Alta  de  Badajoz, recently restored, was for centuries the center of the city since it exceeded the limits of the Muslim citadel. Porticada largely under its arches were held markets in the Middle Ages. It was also the venue for celebrations and meetings of all kinds. From 1899 until the 1970's housed a market for iron, transferred, losing its use, the university campus.
The Plaza has two distinct areas: north and the Arc Mirador called the weight or the City is the oldest part, influenced by the medieval in many of the buildings, to the south and the Arc of Toril is the most modern and regularized.
From high to Alzazaba Plaza is a bow and a few steps.

Declared Historic-Artistic Monument, Alcazaba de Badajoz is considered one of the best in Spain and is the largest in the world. Represents the source of the city of Badajoz and his visit will take us to the Almohad period.

From the Alcazaba have spectacular views of the city, Plaza Alta, river and bridge and the Tower of Espantaperros.

The Espantaperros Tower is considered the most monumental watchtower and prominent of the Alcazaba Badajoz, and in the past, it was known as the Watchtower and Old. However, its current name comes from the sharp ringing of a bell, which no longer exists.
features of his face turns to tower in one of the most representative monuments of the city. In fact, its monumental structure resembles the Torre del Oro in Seville, Badajoz post.

In the gardens of the citadel, surrounded by towering palms and lush vegetation, we found the perfect place to get a group photo.

A meal fusion of English and Portuguese cuisine, the restaurant Raya, Aromas and flavors, was a fitting end to this journey of 18 people by Raia / Raya.

remember ...
The sunrise in my town from another window, the loneliness of the streets of Badajoz after intense carnival, rain accompanied by the sound of our steps along the old streets of my childhood, the knot in the heart, still do not know exactly why, the very long conversation with Peter about music, literature and travel Raiano, the feeling of leaving the city, travel, shared moments, laughter, emotion, loss, skin-deep affection, the landscapes, the looks, the hugs ... to return again to be elsewhere, in the usual place, with memories of lived experience, the taste in the soul.
to another.