COURSE Introduction to Astronomy (36)
Comets can describe three types of orbits:
1) ellipticals.
comets whose orbits are elliptical with periodic character, moving around the Sun, which occupies one focus. As a rule, their eccentricities are large. Some comets have relatively short orbital periods as in the case of comet Encke, with a period of 3.3 years while others have hundreds of years.
Because comets have masses very small gravitational influences of the planets with almost nil. On the contrary, due to the gravitational perturbations of the Sun and some giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn in particular is very common that the comet's orbital period alters, through changes, sometimes dramatic. One of the disturbance is the capture of comets by planets, which can be placed aphelion far beyond Pluto (periodic comets) by transforming them into short-period comets than they did, whose aphelion is within the Solar System. Catch these families originate from comets like Jupiter, made up of more than 60 members whose aphelion is located near the orbit of Jupiter. There are also families of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
2) Hyperbolic.
3) Parabolic.
Comets with parabolic and hyperbolic orbits are not periodic since their curves are not cerradas.Luego appear only once emerging from the depths of space, they approach the sun and away from it and disappeared forever.
The orbit of comets have very different angles on the plane of the ecliptic. Guna them to have an inclination greater than 90 ° so that the comets that have moved in a retrograde, such as Halley's comet.
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