Monday, May 9, 2011

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Seeks to create a single varietal wine priced

Through a bill seeks to increase consumption of varieties and compete with other beverages.

In order to split a wine varietal with a unique brand and national mandatory price throughout the country, the national deputy of the UCR for Mendoza, Ricardo Mansur, who also chairs the Committee on Economy and Regional Development, introduced a draft bill and two resolutions, which may be of vital importance in consumption.

legislation about to enter commission proposes the creation of the brand called "Wine Argentina - National Drink "for a variety or bivarietal, which must be sold with a mandatory uniform price throughout the country.

The consumer can choose the product by the name of the winery produces varietal and origin of the wine.

The same will be dispensed only in commercial establishments on-site consumption (restaurants, hotels, pizzerias) and prohibited their sale in wine shops, supermarkets or the like, as well as export.

deputy based his project on the basis of the decree declaring the 1800/2010 and drink Argentine wine country, seeking to ensure to make a varietal wine without paying excessive prices as those currently charged in restaurants across the country and forcing replace other drinks. The questions

Firstly, one of the questions arising from the proposal Mansur, regarding quality standards of this wine, so that Congressman argues "that the guarantee is given by the qualitative INV that not only will control the physical and chemical characteristics of the packaged product, but also through Oenological Sensory Studies Department, will seek to maintain optimal standards of quality in not less than 80 points. "

MP said: "It's very similar to the 20,860 law which gave rise to so-called 'wine tourists' and that it decreases down to 50% VAT and are asked to producing provinces, to eliminate taxes, and contributions to this wine to offer a lower price, allowing a gain reasonable to retailers, distributors and compete with other beverages, especially beer and soft drinks.

framework ensures that this project is consistent with the strategic plan Argentina Wine 2020 (PEVI) which seeks the promotion of Argentine wine consumption in the domestic market. The price is fixed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing of the Nation refers to the various organizations wine, the same determined to date.

A wine accessible to all
The bill provides that all places of consumption are required to offer at least two-Argentine Wines National Drink, be in prominent places in their wine lists and visible signs, otherwise it establish fines and the obligation to offer a variety at a set price.

For this project, circulated in various national media, the story that it was "a wine for everyone."

On this concept, the deputy said convincingly that "this is not like fish or meat. Defense is a price redialing in restaurants. Is the possibility that the consumer can access a good quality wine and affordable. "

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Eight wineries join The Cintis geographical identification process is the first made in Bolivia.

Source: Production Chain Grapes, Wine and Singanis

Eight wine producers and singanis Camargo and Villa Abecia, signed an act of compromise with the Program Building Complex Grapes, Wine and FAUTAPO Foundation Singanis (PFCUVS) to participate in a process of building the Geographical Identification (GI) project that helps to differentiate their products by giving them additional value.

To tell the component responsible PFCUVS Markets, Luis Antelo, the current trend in food market shows that consumers demand higher quality products, require information on their origin, mode of production and qualities of them. "In this sense, we assume that as a Foundation FAUTAPO a new challenge, support and work closely with wine producers and Villa Abecia Camargo, the first Geographical Identification to be held in Bolivia, and is headed to the wine and The Canyon singanis Cintis, "said Carmack.

geographical identification is used to differentiate a product that has a geographic origin which will be specific quality or reputation, "the IG is like a seal of quality protection for wines and Canyon singanis The Cintis and the region itself," said Carmack, in time to highlight the participation of these wineries that are now part of the process of collective construction.

IG can translate into a seal of quality for producers and the region benefit Cintis to create additional value to their products, increase production, create new jobs, regain their cultural practices, efforts to maintain quality are rewarded, they can get better prices in markets that value these attributes, is also a positive impact on the region for tourism and, ultimately, the consumer is protected from adulterated and counterfeit products.

Work began socializing and enriching the project in the region with the participation of producers, this is achieved the commitment of 8 wells which provide, in a first phase that lasts about 8 months in the survey data, both historical and technical level of soils, climate, processes, among others.

Finally, Carmack stressed that this project is to make the region and its products are revalued in the conscious consumer Bolivian potential rescue and the high quality they can achieve and singanis wines and the wine sector, will become the driving shaft of development throughout the region.

Friday, May 6, 2011

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Harvest 2011: excellent quality for the red

Source: Laura Saieg - Wine

Within ten days the harvest ends in Argentina. According to the winemakers, this will be a great year for all varieties in general.

The National Wine Institute announced the dates for the completion of harvesting of grapes destined for grinding in warehouses and factories must. On 15 vintage officially ends in May 2011, one of the longest in history.

10 points for the quality

The 2011 harvest was one of the longest and most complicated for many wineries, after rains and lack of maturity. The good news is that according to a group of winemakers consulted, could be remembered as one of the best for quality wines. Among the reds, Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon are preferred, but other varieties like Syrah and Pinot are surprising. Some features that winemakers were stressed: good color, strong acidity and good potential. Whereas in whites, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Torrontes highlights by color and aroma.

Manuel Gonzalez, Chief Winemaker of Pulenta Estate Winery said that "despite the excellent quality, the harvest has been complicated by January 1 as very wet February. This made the harvest was expected for concern. The situation high humidity and temperature were positive relative to varieties like Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot and Pinot Noir varietal typicality developed very strong, even more than other years dry and warm. "

continued that "concern for the situation of thinking increased moisture in red varieties. However, in March changed to such an extent that no rains throughout the month and not in April. This meant that polyphenols properly matured to the point optimum harvest.

"natural thinning ice that caused the November 2010 noted in the color intensity and concentration in the mouths of red must, highlighting the Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc. Based on these phenomena that have been given, this will be a year of great concentration, high color strength, authenticity and elegance varietal tannins. In my opinion, an excellent year, "noted the Chief Winemaker of Pulenta Estate Winery.

Alejandro Vigil, winemaker at Catena Zapata said:" This is an exceptional harvest, the Valle de Uco Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon Agrelo, Lunlunta and Chardonnay are generally excellent. In addition, we have been surprised by the quality obtained from the Bonarda. "He also said that" the balance of sugar-acid-polyphenols are excellent, and the high concentration of color. "

Meanwhile, Matias Michelini, consultant winemaker the winery, said: "This year has been a polyphenolic maturity complete with great concentration, after the rains in February and continued dry and cool until the end of the harvest."

from Trapiche, winemaker Daniel Pi, remarked that despite the late start, has developed a slow ripening and exquisite aromas and polyphenols.

For Eduardo Vidal, winemaker at Black Cloud, "the harvest is similar to the best of Argentina, with good flavors and colors, leaving the big show typical characteristics of each strain."

turn, Marcos Fernandez, winemaker at Villa Decero, said that in the case of the winery that makes only red wines, this has been the best year for the Malbec, with good concentration, color, aroma and balance between acidity and alcohol, the product of the cooler months.