Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Glory Hole Spots Columbus Ohio



Thanks to the laws of Kepler solved the problem of the curious movement of the planets called retrogradation.
By observing the motion of a planet in the sky, is moving from West to East. However, the movement stops and often reverses the planet in an east-west, so that retraces path of the movement to stop this movement and then resume it at a West-East. This is a perspective effect due to the relative positions of the Earth and the planets on the starry background. Mechanism
a solar eclipse: One of the biggest matches of Nature: the Sun and Moon appear in the sky with the same apparent size as seen from Earth. The Moon has a diameter of 3,475 km is 400 times smaller than the Sun (1.392 million km), indicating that it is 400 times away. This condition allows the moon to cover the solar disk producing the total solar eclipse taking place for solar eclipses must be an alignment is in order, Sun-Moon-Earth, which happens every month at new moon if plans for lunar and terrestrial orbits coincide, but as the moon's orbit is inclined 5 degrees from to the ecliptic and is located sometimes above and other below the plane. Both planes, ecliptic and lunar, intersect at two points, called nodes, which are not fixed, and the moon passes twice a month. These points are the only ones that can produce eclipses.
during the solar eclipse, the moon casts a shadow on the earth's surface. These shades are composed of two distinct areas, the penumbra or outer shadow and inner shadow or umbra.


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